Sunday, November 18, 2007

Vasilly's List

I still don't have all five of the books I'm going to read for this challenge, but I think I'm going to leave the last possibility open to whatever book I discover. Here's my list:
Beware of God - Shalom Auslander
The Wholeness of a broken heart - Katie Singer
The World to Come - Dara Horn or In the Image by the same author
Suite Francaise by Irene Nemirovsky

The list can change at any time.

1 comment:

  1. I just finished the Auslander book--it's alternately uproarious, depressing, and stunningly frank.

    I edit a blog called Beacon Broadside. For Jewish Book Month, we had two posts with recommended reading, one prose and one poetry.

    I hope you and your fellow readers might come by and check us out.


    Jessica Bennett
    Blog Editor, Beacon Broadside


This challenge is no longer officially running. It's being left up so you can find good books to read and read the reviews. Comments are moderated and are NOT gone through often. So don't expect to see your comment show up fast.